Last night I was standing outside the office minding my own business and some bloke comes up to me and asks, “are you a bum?”. As you can imagine, I was somewhat taken back by this, and I asked him why? Is he going to give me a fiver? A free sandwich and a cup of coffee? Beat me to death? His response was that I was hanging around looking like a bum, possibly looking for other “bums”. I just told him that he was a bloody fool and to go [censor] himself. He wasn’t exactly looking like a million dollars himself.
Clearly a nearby Surrey village is missing their idiot, and I had the good mind to take a photo of the chap which I’ve incorporated into this lovely image of him playing in the muddy puddle next to the Village Idiot sign. So if you see this guy hanging the bike racks in the Guildford area, don’t forget to patronise him as he seemingly likes to do others.
In other news, it’s been revealed that the UK government has ordered Apple to incorporate a backdoor into iCloud accounts worldwide so that the government can get at people who are hiding illegal and naughty things because it’s too hard for the security services to crack the encryption. The same encryption which keeps everybody’s data safe – including that of the government.
Never have I read such utter nonsense about a government apart from all the ridiculous things that Trump is currently doing. These are not security experts. These are government officials who do not have a bloody clue about technology and security, and if I were a gambling man, I reckon none of them have ever completed cybersecurity training. That’s the UK government for you!